Sample Reports


This is a new search service offered by the Companies Registry. It will give information on persons or corporate bodies who have been disqualified by the courts to act as directors or office bearers for specified periods. The search can be conducted by entering name (English and/or Chinese) and/or identification document number (H.K. Id. No. or C.R. No.) of the selected person or corporate body.


Date : dd/mm/yyyy
Page : xx
CR Reference Number xxxxxx
Name (1) xxxxxxxxx
(Name in Chinese)
Name (2)  
I.D. No.  
C.R. No. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Passport Issuing City  
Passport No.  
High Court
Date: dd/mm/yyyy
Order xxxxx
Disqualification specified in the Disqualification Order

Not be a Director, Liquidator, or in any way whether directly or indirectly, be concerned or take part in the promotion, formation or management of a company, or be a Receiver or manager of a company's property for seven years.

Expiry Date dd/mm/yyyy


- Note -

  1. The information in this database has been taken from documents filed with the Companies Registry, Hong Kong. The Companies Registry will not be liable for the provision of any incorrect or incomplete information.

  2. Subsequent use of personal data contained from the public registers should be limited to the purposes for which the data are made available. In no circumstances should such data obtained from the public registers be used for direct marketing purposes.

  3. Searchers are presumed to be aware of the restriction on usage of personal data when they conduct searches on public registers.